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Meet Dr. Indu!

"Smile & the world becomes a better place for you and all around you." - Dr. Indu

Dr. Indu Prasadh began her medical career in India, where she practiced from 2001-2010. She has practiced in the US since 2010 & became FAAP Board Certified in 2013. She has a special interest in childhood obesity and nutrition and firmly believes that "good food is the way to good health." In her spare time, she volunteers as a cook in WOFC soup kitchen on Tuesdays and delivers Manna meals in Gadsden on weekdays. Dr. Indu enjoys cooking, gardening, and reading, and she loves to gift books to her patients to foster and spread a love for reading.

Dr. Indu is married, and she and her husband have two children, a boy and a girl: Nitin & Latika.


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At Smart Start Pediatrics, we offer primary & preventive healthcare to all pediatric patients without regard to race, color, national origin or handicap in compliance with the US Department of Health & Human Services regulations 45 CFR parts 80, 84 and 91. We offer essential services regardless of the ability to pay, discounts are based on family size & income. You may apply for the discount at the front desk.

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La oficina de Smart Start Pediatra ofrece servicios de atención médica primaria y preventiva, sin considerar la raza, color, nacionalidad, origen o discapacidad en el cumplimiento de Estados Unidos Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de la regulacion 45 CFR parte 80, 84, y 91. Ofrecemos servicios esenciales sin tener en cuenta la capacidad de paga, el descuento es de acuerdo al nivel de ingreso del paciente y su familia. Ustedes pueden aplicar para el descuento de servicio de salud con la recepcionista en la oficina.


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